A History of the Kashmir Conflict

I have no real opinion on the so-called ‘Kashmir conflict’ other than that I regard what has happened over my adult lifetime to be messy, and a colossal tragedy.  I have no idea on how to apportion blame and no sense of how the recent developments will help or hinder matters.  But I have been keen to understand how this mess came about.  Unfortunately, whatever stuff I have thus far read or watched, has been a bit too dense for me. 

Early this week, someone shared a link to a documentary made by Times Now last year, Kashmir: The Story.  It tells the history of Jammu & Kashmir, and offers some historical context on the crisis, with a bit of commentary.  Frankly, I didn’t expect Times Now (or any Indian news channel, for that matter) to present a reasonably unbiased narrative.  Still, I must admit that, compared to anything else that I have read or watched, this gave me a clearer (and hopefully accurate) picture of the key events that have led to the present situation.