Christine (2016)
Christine, starring Rebecca Hall, seeks to tell the story of Christine Chubbuck, a small town TV journalist who made headlines in 1974, for reasons that are best left unsaid here (for the benefit of those unaware and wanting a spoiler-free experience). There is a certain oddness about the fact that, beyond what happened (to make those headlines), there is little that is known of Chubbuck, and that were it not for what happened, there may have been no reason for this movie. Yet, as Rebecca Hall, in particular, has forcefully argued, this is a story that needed to be told.
The movie portrays Chubbuck as a tormented individual who, on one hand, struggled to have meaningful relationships, while on the other, grappled with balancing her professional ambition with the ground realities of her job. It’s not an easy movie to watch, but it is one that should be seen. It is topical and thought provoking, and Hall gives a performance that is astonishing and heartbreaking.
PS: I didn’t realize it at the time, but the day that I watched the movie was what would have been Christine Chubbuck’s 75th birthday.