The Capture (2019)
If there were any justice, everyone would be talking about The Capture right now. Ben Chanan’s surveillance thriller isn’t just one of the most cleverly plotted dramas of recent years – it’s also one of the most satisfying.
Without a doubt, this is one of the most fascinating television dramas that I have seen in recent memory. It is also one of the most unsettling. But that’s about as much as I should say: it’s best to watch this, knowing as little as possible. You could check out the trailer, if you like: it gives you a peek, without spoiling anything.
I must mention that while the first 5 episodes were pretty much universally acclaimed, the finale split viewers and reviewers. From what I gather, many people expected an over-the-top ending befitting a more pulpy thriller such as The Bodyguard (with which some people seemed to draw needless comparisons). What was offered was much more dark, grounded, and partly ambiguous. As one reviewer put it, it was “a smart, streetwise resolution that harked back to classic paranoid conspiracy thrillers.” Personally, I thought it fitted well with the subject matter.