Dracula Question
Someone asked this question on an online forum:
How does Dracula always have his hair so neat when he can’t see his reflection?
This was the top-voted response:
I don’t know if this is addressed in the book of all reflections or just mirrors, but traditionally one of the reasons vampires can’t see their reflection is because mirrors used to use silver to create the reflection. Silver is supposed to be a pure metal that wards off evil (also why you use it to kill werewolves)
So maybe he can use his reflection on windows/water to sort of get an idea.
Here’s a selection of some of the other responses:
Taking a handful of gel and just slicking all your hair back like that is not that difficult. Especially after a few centuries of practice.
They are soaked in blood, it's sticky
Goes to Barber
He is a count and an ancient vampire. He has a servant do it. He most certainly has vampires serving under him.