The Submarine Sports Car
Hammacher Schlemmer claims to be “America's Longest Running” shopping catalogue. Yet if the item below is anything to go by, I think their cataloguing leaves something to be desired. Rather than appear as a one-of-a-kind item, or under the “Exclusives” category, this appears alongside items priced as low as $30 in the category of “Sports and Leisure” under the sub-category “Pool & Water”.
This is the only car that navigates underwater realms as easily as it cruises across land. Inspired by the submarine Lotus driven by James Bond in The Spy Who Loved Me, the car floats when driven into water and submerges with the pull of a lever, sending the sports car on an underwater adventure.The two-person capacity car has the same steel chassis used in the Lotus Elise, its interior is impervious to fresh or salt water, and an onboard laser-guided sensor enables the sports car to operate autonomously. Batteries power the car for up to 80 miles on land and for three hours underwater after a four-hour charge. Special conditions and guarantee limitations apply.
Price $2,000,000