LifeStyles- Publicly Traded
There’s a new “stock-market inspired” campaign in Australia. Called ‘Publicly Traded’, instead of stocks, it tracks searches on sexually transmitted infections (STIs). It’s been put together by the sexual wellness brand, LifeStyles, and is being used to dynamically price its condoms online. In keeping with that, the campaign website has the look and feel of an online stock trading platform, complete with a ticker tape, an index, and data visualisations that resemble stock market charts. You can even set price alerts.
So what sparked the idea for this campaign?
According to this report:
The initiative is aimed at males 18-34 who have shown interest in DIY investing and are also likely to purchase condoms. It’s built around the creative insight that there are links between sex and the stock market: Like stocks, STIs are “publicly traded,” and people can opt to either play it safe or risk it all.