UK is considering a spy register

According to Bloomberg:

The U.K. could require foreign states to name their spies operating in the country on a government register, under a crackdown being considered by ministers.

Some of the responses on Twitter:

In other news, shoplifters are to let security guards know of their arrival, and give them all their contact information

-Jerry Kew (@2di2d)

- Hello, I arrived in UK for espionage, in my bag you will find a military-grade Novichok nerve agent to assassinate my targets.

- Welcome sir, please fill this form and stand in the non-Schengen queue.

-Χαζούλης (@Xazoulhs_gr)

I had to check to see if this was The Onion. What's next? Are they going to require burglars to book an appointment?

-Mike (@Geoelte_Spinne)