The Hour (Seasons 1-2)
The Hour tells the story of a fictional BBC news show, set in the 1950s. It is a newsroom drama with an ambitious narrative. On one hand, it is propelled by world events like the Suez crisis and the Hungarian revolution, jostling for airtime with local stories of crime and espionage. The more interesting and dominating storyline, though, involves the people bringing the news- their ambitions, compulsions, determination, and frailties.
It is a fascinating mix that is made even more so by the rich detailing of the characters and the top-notch performances. Even though some of the plotlines suffer from credibility issues, this is a very compelling dramatic thriller.
The Hour first aired in 2011 as a 6 hour miniseries. It was renewed a year later, for another six hours.
Here’s a link to the original trailer.
Here’s a clip from the first episode.