Pro-Trump Lawsuit cites Lord of the Rings

It’s yet another lawsuit that challenges the legitimacy of Joe Biden as President.  What makes it truly bizarre is that it references The Lord of the Rings to make its case, presenting a ludicrous comparison of the US with the fictional kingdom of Gondor.

During the course of the epic trilogy, the rightful King of Gondor had abandoned the throne. Since only the rightful king could sit on the throne of Gondor, a steward was appointed to manage Gondor until the return of the King, known as “Aragorn,” occurred at the end of the story. This analogy is applicable since there is now in Washington, D.C., a group of individuals calling themselves the President, Vice President, and Congress who have no rightful claim to govern the American People. Accordingly, as set forth in the Proposed Temporary Restraining Order, as a remedy the Court should appoint a group of special masters (the “Stewards”) to provide a check the power of the illegitimate President until this Constitutional Crisis can be resolved through a peaceful legal process of a Preliminary Injunction Hearing and a jury trial on the merits.

A legal website described the case as setting “a new floor for legal embarrassment in U.S. jurisprudence”.  Someone else called it “the single most insane request” that he’d ever seen.  The Guardian noted that while Trump’s diehard supporters are often accused of living in fantasyland, this case has surprised “even the most hardened observers of Trumpian strangeness”.