Warner Bros. Trolled with Space Jam Prank
One the most awaited movie releases this year is Warner Brothers’ Space Jam 2, starring LeBron James. However, it appears that the studio omitted (or didn’t bother) to buy the rights to the domain name- ‘spacejam2.com’. Instead, that url has been acquired by a couple of creatives who are now prank trolling the studio.
They’re pitching it for “the totally fair sum of $1 million, or best offer”. To ensure that they are not forced to take down the site on the grounds of domain name squatting, they actually set up a jam company that is selling ‘Space Jam’. To publicise their offer, they’ve created an amusing video and even a ‘trailer’.
From the press release:
It is hoped that the website is scooped up by Warner Brothers executives as they plan to mount a goliath PR campaign for the highly anticipated sequel of Space Jam, starring LeBron James and Bugs Bunny and set for release in July 2021.
As an incentive, the makers have vowed to share profits of this sale with a charity of the purchaser’s choosing.
The idea behind the trolling is a collaboration between advertising creative Hunter Fine and commercial film director Peter Marquis, who have a history of creating viral pop culture.
Fine said: “Wow—Warner Bros must be so bummed to have missed out on this primetime URL that we bought for our Space Jam 2 spread. As humble jam makers, we feel bad. That’s why we're offering them the PR opportunity of a lifetime for the completely realistic price tag of $1M. You’d have to really hate charity and jam not to take this offer.”
From the website: