Gun Lobbyists Outgunned
Two outspoken American pro-gun activists were recently conned into speaking at a fake school graduation ceremony, in front of a sea of empty chairs, meant to represent students who didn’t graduate because they were killed in shooting incidents. Extracts from a BuzzFeed report:
Former National Rifle Association president David Keene and author and gun rights advocate John Lott were both duped into giving graduation speeches to a field of more than 3,000 empty chairs in a stunt that was organized by anti-gun violence group Change the Ref.
Keene and Lott were invited to speak at the graduation of a fictional high school called James Madison Academy to film addresses for the fake Las Vegas high school’s 2021 class of graduates.
"Ironically, had the men conducted a proper background check on the school, they would have seen that the school is fake," a Change the Ref spokesperson said in a press release.
Link to speech videos: