Beating Chickenflation

Meat alternative brand, Alpha Foods, has launched a week-long campaign to combat what it is describing as “chickenflation” or the surging costs of chicken wing prices.  To that end, it is offering discount coupons on its products, linked to the price rise.  Perhaps more striking is its strategy to communicate this via the NASDAQ digital billboard in New York City, and a full page ad in The Wall Street Journal with this eye-catching headline and tongue-in-cheek copy:


Only this time when we say “underperforming males,” we’re referring to a group of roosters.  And when we say “crash the market,” naturally we do mean the chicken market.  That’s correct, chicken prices have skyrocketed causing a critical spike in Chickenflation.

And while we may not know exactly how “the economy” or “the stock market” or “anything else” works, we do know that the word “chicken” plus the word “inflation” makes the word “Chickenflation.” And apparently that’s all it takes to place an ad in here.

So at Alpha Foods, we are working hard to restore the balance in the flock market.  That’s flock market.  Like stock market.  But for chickens.  You get it.

And just in case someone doesn’t get the reasons for the price rise or the reference to underperformance, the campaign website makes that explicitly clear.

We’re talking about a group of roosters who, to put it in strictly medical terms, won’t get it on with their lady chickens. And chicken wing prices have skyrocketed because of it.