Paris Police 1900 (2021)


This is a gritty crime drama set against the racial tensions that marked the socio-political landscape of France at the turn of the 20th century.  It is a murder mystery meshed with political intrigue, blackmail, backstabbing, and brutal violence. 

It is striking in the way it fashions a fictional narrative around real-life events and characters.  More than that, though, it stands out for its portrayal of that time and place, and the way it immerses you into that.  Through the dark streets of Paris and the murky corridors of power, it transports you into a squalid world in which moral considerations are frequently trampled by the need to survive at any cost. 

A few things to bear in mind.  One, it would help to be familiar with the historical context (or look it up, if required).  Two, it features a lot many characters and getting a hang of them and their motivations may take some time or require some pausing and rewinding.  Three, it pulls no punches in its depiction of filth, gore, and depravity.

Link to trailer