Fast Cars, Penile Length, and Experimental Manipulation
To quote from a study published this week:
The link between driving a fast sports car and having a small penis is a widespread cultural trope, discussed by academics from Freudian analysts to evolutionary theorists. For the first time, we show that it is grounded in a psychological truth. We found that experimentally manipulating men, especially older men [males over 30], to feel that they have relatively small penis caused them to increase their desire for luxury sports cars.
And this is a summary of the ‘manipulation’:
In this experiment, we manipulated what men believed about their own penis size, relative to others. We gave them false information, stating that the average penis size was larger than it in fact is, reasoning that, on average, these males will feel that relatively and subjectively their own penis was smaller; compared to those told that the average penis size was smaller than true average. We then asked them to rate how much they would like to own a sports car. These facts and questions were buried amongst other items giving information and asking for product ratings, so that our hypothesis was masked from participants.