About Ducking Time

A joyful campaign from Durex in response to Apple’s decision to no longer autocorrect the F word.  In the words of one of the people at the creative agency that partnered with Durex:

Your iPhone is meant to be an extension of yourself, but for a long time, potty-mouthed individuals have been censored and silenced, by the quack that is the word “duck.” A bout of embarrassment undermined each attempt at swearing in a rage-fueled text.

Then, at WWDC 2023, Apple announced it was offering protection to the feelings of users who engage in colorful language. Durex is evidently wrapped up in joy by the more socially-aware algorithm, so much so that it’s teamed up with us to proudly declare in a dedicated campaign: “It’s about ducking time!”

About Ducking Time 1About Ducking Time 2Duck Buddies