When you are ‘mugged’ by a seagull

Noah Karberg, an airport manager on the Massachusetts island of Nantucket, is in the news after a seagull made off with his wallet while he was loading groceries into his car.  His recounting of the episode, in particular, makes for interesting reading.  A few excerpts from across a couple of news reports:

I was in a fishing shirt and board shorts, so no pockets. I put my phone and my wallet in the tray on top of the shopping cart. I do my shopping, and buy my groceries, come out to my truck, load most of my groceries onto the tailgate. I take a last couple of bags around to the backseat, come back around to the shopping cart, and there is a gull sitting on the cart, and right in front of me, grabs my wallet, flies off!

It mugged me. It just grabbed my wallet and went.

I was thinking, ‘Oh my gosh, this is unreal, I gotta get my wallet back.’  Started chasing the gull across the parking lot like a crazy person, knowing I looked like an idiot, but I really wanted my wallet back.

It was like a gull with an agenda. Tossed the cash and went straight for my Amex.

NBC10 Boston
Nantucket Current