‘Definitely Not A Bag Full Of Drugs’

A few months ago, there was news out of Florida that the highway patrol had arrested a woman who was carrying drugs in a bag labelled ‘Bag of Drugs’. 

Guess what?  This week, there is news, also from Florida, that police arrested a woman who was carrying drugs in a bag labelled ‘Definitely Not A Bag Full Of Drugs’.

As reported by the local sheriff:

Often times in law enforcement we say to ourselves “you just can’t make this stuff up” and this case is without question one of those cases!!

Last week, Deputy Justin Shannon arrested Teryn Acri after a traffic stop where she had trafficking amounts of methamphetamine, and was ultimately charged with trafficking in meth, possession of methamphetamine with intent to sell, and possession of drug paraphernalia. She was arrested on January 6th with “no bond” and of course bonded out on January 8th after getting a ridiculous bond set of $15,500, but hey that’s a story for another day!!

Now last night, just 10 days after getting out of jail, Deputy Lexi Gordon and her K9 partner Aurora were out on patrol and conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle where Acri happened to be the passenger. As Deputy Gordon spoke to the driver he agreed to a search of the vehicle stating nothing illegal should be inside.

Well unfortunately for him, this is the part you just can’t make up, as Acri had had a few bags with her and one of them had the words “Definitely Not A Bag Full Of Drugs” printed on it!! The bag was filled with snacks…nah just kidding it was actually drugs, that’s right, she actually had a bag with drugs in it that said on the side “Definitely Not A Bag Full Of Drugs”!!