NHS Wales: Odd Emergency Calls in 2024
A selection of transcripts released by the Welsh Ambulance Service, of “inappropriate calls” made to the 999 service in 2024:
Operator: Tell me exactly what’s happened.
Caller: I’m locked out of the house and I’m trying to get in.
Operator: So, what’s the reason for the ambulance?
Caller: I’m cold and I’m trying to get into the house.
Operator: OK, so you’re cold?
Caller: Yeah.
Operator: Tell me exactly what’s happened.
Caller: I stuck my finger in a plug socket, and I felt no effect but I’m ruling out if I electrocuted myself.
Operator: In a plug socket?
Caller: By accident, without thinking. And I’m worried that I could be electrocuted.
Operator: Is the patient awake?
Caller: Yeah, it’s an alligator.
Operator: Pardon?
Caller: It’s a pet alligator. It’s got loose and I’m scared to death. I don’t like it. I do not like it. I think it’s under the sofa.
Operator: Right, OK, we won’t be able to send an ambulance for an alligator that’s escaped.
Caller: Right, so unless I get bit?
Operator: Unfortunately, we can’t send an ambulance for an alligator. Perhaps you can ring your vet?
Operator: Ambulance service, what’s the full address of the emergency?
Caller: It don’t matter, I’ve just got a question, a general question, mate. My GP refuses to give me sleeping pills. How do I get hold of sleeping pills to sleep?