
Showing posts from August, 2022

RIP Mikhail Gorbachev

To quote from an insightful piece about his landmark Pizza Hut commercial:

In a lot of ways, it’s a beautiful short film and a very weird advertisement: Who would have thought that a bunch of Muscovites bickering about the end of communism would be a natural pitch for pizza?

For the people who created the ad—the executives, the agents, the creatives—it was a professional landmark. But for Gorbachev himself, the story of the ad is a tragedy: one man’s attempt to find—and to fund—a place in a country that wanted nothing more to do with him.

Gucci reimagines Kubrick

I think it’s safe to say that at the very least, you have to be a cinephile to relate to this new spot from Gucci in which it has painstakingly recreated scenes from Stanley Kubrick’s movies, while fitting in its latest collection.

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If the world was real all around…

In contrast to the attention-grabbing advertising of milk-alternative brands, a new spot for The California Milk Processor Board gently makes the case for real milk.  And it gives us an anthem for our times- of what the world would look like, without the phoney posturing.

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Ostrich Escape Simulation

As reported by The Guardian:

A man dressed as an eight foot tall ostrich with a towering bird neck strapped to his head was successfully pinned down with a fishing net after running amok in a Thailand zoo this week.

The staff member was taking part in a training drill designed to ensure the animal was unable to escape its enclosure, should the real-world situation ever arise.

Although the ostrich is a flightless bird, it is a risk that the popular northern Thailand zoo – home to about 400 animal species – isn’t willing to take.

The Chiang Mai Zoo director, Wuttichai Muangman, revealed the “wild animal management plan” which simulated various emergency situations including an ostrich falling out of its nest.

The animal care worker dressed as the native African bird “fell out” of its animal show area, prompting colleagues to pursue the man on foot, a series of photos uploaded by the zoo revealed.

Eventually, the man was seen captured and escorted by three fellow staff members, including one man holding a giant fishing net.

The report concludes with this line:

It is unclear whether the zoo’s resident giant pandas, hippopotamus or penguin colony will be the subject of similar training drills.

Hungary’s ‘Pink education’ Quandary

To quote from a local news report:

According to a recent analysis published by the State Audit Office, the significant over-representation of women in higher education may cause demographic problems, as it makes finding a partner more difficult, as well as potentially leading to the risk of a reduction in childbearing.

The analysis, entitled “Is pink education occurring in Hungary?” examined the economic and social effects of the over-representation of women in higher education.

To quote from a summary of the analysis, tweeted by a Reuters journalist:

The study says 82% of schoolteachers are women and “female” traits such as emotional and social maturity, hard work, obedience, tolerance for monotony and verbal skills are more valued in schools than “male” traits like risk taking, math skills, a knack for mechanics or logic.

The study says that male characteristics such as creativity, competitiveness and being goal-oriented are crucial both for the Hungarian economy and for the day-to-day life of men because they will need to be able to fix a broken computer or a leaking tap.

Morning Walk

A poem about living with Parkinson’s, transformed into a poignant 2 minute short.

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Messing with Texas… in Arabic

To quote from a news report:

A Florida activist is raising money to send Texas schools “In God We Trust” signs — in Arabic.

The effort comes as schools across the state are posting signs with the national motto to comply with a law Texas Republicans passed last year in an attempt to enforce conservative, Christian values in public schools. Senate Bill 797, authored by Mineola Sen. Bryan Hughes, requires schools to display the posters in a “conspicuous place” if they are donated.

To quote from the GoFundMe campaign titled “Messing w Texas with Arabic In God We Trust signs”:

To voice our dissent with Texas SB-797, we're going to donate hundreds of Arabic-language "In God We Trust" posters to schools in Texas, flooding the public school system with our Arabic IGWT artwork.

Allah 'akbar and all that jazz! Just what the vast hordes of Texas Evangelicals want to read at their kid's school.

Sacked for Wrong Weather Forecast

As reported by the BBC:

Hungary's top two weather experts have been fired over a mistaken weather forecast that sparked political uproar.

What had been billed "Europe's biggest fireworks display" had been organised for Saturday evening to celebrate St Stephen's Day - the national holiday,

But seven hours before the scheduled start, the government postponed the event, citing extreme weather warnings.

The weather, however, stayed calm - leading to the sackings of the head and deputy head of the weather service.

Admission of Crappiness

Unilever has relaunched its Lost The Pot brand of instant noodles with a tongue-in-cheek campaign.

No Longer CrapNow Proper Good

Other Than SadnessDon't Suck

Old Reviews

Public Apology



Airline safety instructions… set to music

From Belgium: the new safety video of Brussels Airlines has the look and sound of a music video.  It is a collaboration with Belgian band Hooverphonic who wrote the music and helm the video.

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Irresistible Allure

From South Africa: a splendidly conceived, dialogue-free spot for KFC that perfectly captures giving in to temptation.

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From Canada: a playful campaign from fast-food chain Pizza Pizza.

Pizza Pizza: YogaPizza Pizza: Lumberjacks

Pizza Pizza: Pirates

Pizza Pizza: Cats

Crushed Nuts

A cheeky outdoor campaign for Australia’s Own Foods.

h/t: B&T

Australia's Own- Crushed Nuts. Image source: B&T

Reindeer or Dog?

From a recent posting on the website of a Crime Stoppers program in Texas:

Two unknown male suspects entered the store while a third waited outside.  One suspect was wearing a dog or reindeer costume. 

Presentations BS Unmasked

A new campaign from consultancy firm Globant takes a razor-sharp swipe at how presentations are created.

Spot 1: 1000 slides (alternative link)

Spot 2: Copy/ Paste (alternative link)

An Invitation to Elon Musk at ‘Musk City’

When you hear Elon Musk is visiting your hometown, what is the first thing you do? You invite him for a coffee of course! So, when we heard he was coming to Stavanger, Norway, we had to act. After all, we Norwegians are big believers in the power of conversation, and we know that a good cup of coffee works wonders to break the ice.

That’s how electric vehicle charger brand Easee is explaining a tweet from one of its founders to Mr. Musk “wondering if you wanted to stop by – – for a cup of coffee or something when you’re in town”.

The firm has put up a website with its message as well as a playful video version of the invitation that packages the town as ‘Musk City’ and features an assortment of tributes to  Musk along with some cheeky references.

Link to video

Musk City

San Francisco’s Trash Can Saga

As summarised in a report in SF Chronicle, that came out last month:

San Francisco Public Works famously decided no city in the world had ever placed a trash can on its sidewalks that would meet San Francisco’s exacting standards and designed three bespoke, wildly expensive prototypes just for us. It took nearly four years and $550,000 to get this far, but now they need our help.

They’re testing the fancy prototypes and three everyday, off-the-shelf varieties at locations around the city for the next two months. They want people to use their online maps to find the cans, test them out and use QR codes plastered on the sides to tell the department what they think.

With residents’ input, the department will settle on the winner. The idea is that more than 3,000 of them will land on city sidewalks sometime in 2023 in what must be the most complicated purchase of a trash can in human history.

Hunting, Fishing, and Child Support

To quote from a news report out of Utah:

Utah is seeing a surge in child support payments over the past year, a change that state officials credit in part to a new state law that withholds hunting and fishing licenses to people who fall significantly behind on payments.

“I came up with the idea for the bill, actually, in talking with some of my constituents who had noncustodial partners that were overdue on child support and going out and spending lots and lots of money hunting and fishing,” said state Rep. Karianne Lisonbee, who authored and passed the bill enacting the new law two years ago. It went into effect in 2021.

The law blocks anyone from obtaining a hunting or fishing license if they are past due more than $2,500 in child support for a year.

Ice Whopper

From Japan: Burger King has announced a limited-time variant of its signature burger that features- believe it or not- a layer of shaved ice.  According to a report on the SoraNews24 website, the ice will be “nestled between the onions and the pickles above the beef patty”.  What’s more, the Whopper is also being offered as part of a combo, along with a bottle of frozen Coca-Cola.

Ice Whopper

Investigation into PhD in Self-Stimulation

Soon after a British MP drew attention to what is being described as a “PhD in Masturbation”,  University of Manchester has confirmed launching an investigation.  As explained by ‘Mr. S’ in The Spectator:

Well, you have to hand it to them. After an outcry, Manchester University has now told Mr S that they’re investigating a PhD student who published a research paper in which he detailed how he masturbated for three months to extreme Japanese comics featuring young boys.

The saga started earlier today after Tory MP Neil O’Brien tweeted a link to an article in the journal Qualitative Research titled ‘I am not alone - we are all alone: Using masturbation as an ethnographic method in research on shota subculture in Japan.’

PhD student Karl Andersson was researching subcultural Japanese comics at the University of Manchester but began masturbating after ‘hitting a wall’ in his studies. He started a three-month stint of masturbating to the same subject matter as his ‘research participants’ and make notes on each session. But his own thesis describes the material - known as shota - as a genre of self-published erotic comics that feature ‘young boy characters in a cute or, most often, sexually explicit way’.

‘Palates don’t cheat’

To quote a spokesperson for China’s foreign ministry:

Baidu Maps show that there are 38 Shandong dumpling restaurants and 67 Shanxi noodle restaurants in Taipei. Palates don't cheat. #Taiwan has always been a part of China. The long lost child will eventually return home.

Bargain Regret

From Australia: a new campaign from general insurer AAMI amusingly exaggerates the perils of chasing cheap deals.

Spot 1
Spot 2

Scorching Taste Drive

A car that feels like having chilli sauce- that’s how Subaru is pitching the latest version of its BRZ sports car, in Canada.  Perhaps to drive home the point (pardon the pun), going by reports, it will distribute  a batch of ‘BRZ hot sauce’ via select dealerships and as social media giveaways.  The bottles will carry a code that can be used to take a virtual drive of the car, that has been rigged up so that you can see your expressions while driving.

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Alternative link

Home Joy

The latest spot for Specsavers puts a playful spin on it iconic tagline.

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‘Team of Bandits’

That’s what police in Illinois are calling a family of pigs on the loose, first spotted a few days ago.  To quote from the Facebook post of the local police department:

This morning the team of bandits thwarted attempts from our officers to corral them and they fled into a wooded area. (We are disheartened that we didn't have video of those attempts) If you know anyone who may be missing these pigs, please contact the Wayne Police Department.

Landscape Calls

Belong- Australia’s first carbon-neutral telco- is reaffirming its eco-friendly credentials by offering refurbished phones.  And it has released a wonderfully-visualised spot that is nothing like what you might expect a mobile phone commercial to be.

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Mountaineers to pay deposit for rescue and burial

As reported by The Guardian:

Climbers attempting to reach the summit of Mont Blanc from a popular path in France will have to pay a €15,000 (£12,640) deposit to cover costs in case they need to be rescued, or worse, die.

Jean-Marc Peillex, the mayor of Saint-Gervais-les-Bains, from where climbers can make it to the top of the highest peak in Europe via the Goûter Route, imposed the measure in response to dozens defying warnings and engaging in what he described as “a game of Russian roulette”.

The finer detail specifies that €10,000 would cover the cost of a rescue and €5,000 a funeral.

In a statement posted on Twitter, Peillex said dozens of “pseudo-mountaineers” had ignored the warnings. He described how five Romanian visitors had attempted the ascent “wearing shorts, trainers and straw hats” and had to be turned back by mountain police.

“People want to climb with death in their backpacks,” he added. “So let’s anticipate the cost of having to rescue them, and for their burial, because it’s unacceptable that French taxpayers should foot the bill.”

Burning a Spider Leads to Wildfire

From an AP news report:

A Utah man has been arrested on accusations he started a wildfire while trying to burn a spider with his lighter.

Cory Allan Martin, 26, told deputies that he spotted the spider Monday while he was in a hiking area in the foothills south of Salt Lake City near the city of Springville, shows a probable cause statement. He acknowledged starting the fire, but didn’t explain why he was trying to burn the spider.

The report quotes a person from the Utah County Sheriff’s office saying this:

What led him to stop and notice a spider and decide to try to burn it, we don’t know. There may not be a why. He might not even know a why.

Firearms and Dogs

To quote US Congresswoman Lauren Boebert:

You know, here in America, we have gourmet treats for puppies. We have these amazing groomers for dogs. Well, in Venezuela, they eat the dogs, and it started because they don’t have firearms.

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‘The Gray Man’ Barber Shop

From Australia: over the last weekend, a barber shop in Melbourne was offering trims to match those of the key players in The Gray Man. To quote from the promotion website, you could “go the Mo or go the Goatee”.  I’m not sure if this was inspired by the Top Gun-Dollar Shave Club campaign but it certainly had the blessings of the movie producers (in this case, Netflix). 

The Gray Man Barber Shop

Exploring Air

Mitsubushi air-conditioning has released a droll new spot as part of its ‘Experts in Air’ positioning.

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