Fancy a Bee-r?
Lidl has been marking World Bee Day with a gift for bees. To quote from its website:
As a food retailer, we understand that biodiversity is what allows nature to thrive. Small-but-mighty wild bees play a huge part in this ecosystem – and now more than ever, they need our help! Wild bees are famed for keeping buzz-y pollinating our plants and flowers. This World Bee Day, we want to return the favour! We’re excited to give away six-packs of ‘Bee-rs’ (*cough* inverted sugar syrup), which keen nature-lovers can administer to local bees in need.
This is how they are to be administered:
If you see a bee in need, either not flying or looking tired and slow; on a windowsill or on the floor, please take a Lidl Bee-r to them – but only if there are no flowers around, as nectar is the best option. Our bee-rs provide a temporary energy boost, however, it’s important that bees find a longer-lasting, nutritious source of energy in the form of real flower nectar and pollen!
• Pour a small amount of syrup out of the bottle and onto the ground in front of the bee. This will help to revive them so they can travel to a flower and find a natural food source. The bottles shouldn’t be left unattended for other bees to find, as this causes robbing behaviour and can spread disease.
• You can refill our Bee-r bottles with your own homemade syrup. Simply mix equal parts of white granulated sugar and warm (not boiling) water.