Remember ‘Dickie Berg’? The phallus-shaped iceberg, spotted a few weeks ago, floating by the curiously-named town of Dildo, Canada, is the inspiration for a gag gift, the sale proceeds from which will go towards supporting NGOs fighting climate change. The Indiegogo page offers a tongue-in-cheek explanation for the idea:
A week ago, the world was blessed with the glorious sight of a giant dick-shaped iceberg off the coast of Newfoundland. We were like, “Damn… Mother Nature's got a sense of humor!”
While it may have been a hilarious reminder of our collective immaturity, it was also a stark reminder of the impact climate change is having on our planet. Sadly, rising global temperatures are accelerating the melting of our glaciers and icebergs.
So we did what any group of nature lovers would do – we made a dildo out of it.
Made with ecofriendly materials (because we’re not total dicks to the environment) it’s good for our planet, and your most delicate bits. Masterfully crafted down to the tip (of the iceberg), it looks just the world-famous “Dickie Berg”, only this one won’t get flaccid and melt.
So show your love for our planet (and phallic-shaped objects). Support our fundraising campaign to take climate change by the balls. And shaft.
It should be noted that this product is intended solely as a novelty gag gift and is not designed or intended for use as a sexual aid. Any such use is entirely at the user's own risk and we disclaim any liability for injury or damage resulting from such use.
And this, from the FAQs:
What made you want to do this?
We were having a hard time trying to save the planet with our brains, so we might as well try with our genitals. Besides, what good is it if we can’t laugh as the world comes to an end?
What can I expect from my order?
A literal dildo shaped like an iceberg. Except ours won’t get flaccid due to global warming. Oh and you’ll most definitely feel good because you’re f*cking yourself, not the environment.
Is it suitable for everyone?
Whether you’re a nature lover, or a prude, climate change denying politician, ‘The Dickie Berg’ is sure to get you off in one way or another*
*The Dickie Berg is not suitable for children under the age of 18, unless you want to have an awkward conversation with your kid about sex, the devastating effects of climate change, and the importance of environmental conservation all in one evening.
How big is it?
We don’t know yet. We may have to….uhm. Try a few out for size. We'll need to do some extensive R&D. Emphasis on the D. But we’ll try to make sure it can fit comfortably in your nightstand or on your bathtub ledge.
How discrete is the packaging?
Let's be real – if you're buying a dildo shaped like an iceberg, you're probably not too worried about discretion. But just in case, we’ll make sure to ship “The Dickie Berg” in plain, unmarked packaging. So you can keep your love for naturally-occurring-phallic-shaped objects on the down-low.